Friday, January 15, 2010

World's Tallest and Shortest Men Meet up (7 pics)

New world's tallest man meets current world's shortest man
Sultan Kosen, recently officially crowned the tallest man (8.1’) in the world, has met the man who currently holds the title of the world's smallest man - He Pingping (2.5').

He Pinping Sultan Kosen Rocking a vaguely Morrissey-esque hairstyle, the world's shortest man, He Pinping, holds onto the hand of Sultan Kosen, the world's tallest man

8ft 1in Turkish farm labourer Kosen took the title of world's tallest from Metro's long-standing hero Bao Xishun back in September, beating out his Chinese rival by an incredible 10cm.

He met He Pinping at an event in Istanbul to mark the launch of the Guinness World Records live roadshow.
Sultan Kosen He Pinping The clearly couldn't find a backdrop tall enough: Kosen and He stand next to each other

He, who stands at just over 2ft 5in tall, is himself facing a potential challenge to his shortest man status, as fellow Chinese citizen Wu Kang is applying to Guinness World Records for the title - and as he's under 2ft 3in, He's title could be under threat.

However, Wu is also considering hormone therapy which could increase his stature - meaning that He could retain the crown for a while longer yet.

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